Using Signing Time to make a difference in the world

I get the privilege of reading the wonderful things people are up to on the Signing Time forums, and have the opportunity to read through some incredibly heart-felt and inspiring testimonials that are submitted. I have also become acquainted with many of our fans through our weekly Wednesday night chats. I am inspired when I read blogs where people share their amazing journeys. I recently came across the Vernon Journal blog that touched me and reminded me that there are people who are making a difference in the world. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I did.

This is the beginning of the post written on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 from the Vernon Journal blog.

Signing Time!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is A-Paw. She is hearing impaired. When we first arrived in the village three years ago, she was an outgoing, playful little four year old who had no idea that there was any difference between her and her friends. Unfortunately, without any exposure to sign language, in the past three years we’ve seen her eyes glaze over and her temper flare more and more often as she realizes that she doesn’t really understand what’s going on around her and that she can’t adequately communicate her own wants and needs.After visiting us last fall, our good friend John really wanted to help A-paw and her family, so he donated the first six DVDs in the Signing Time Series…

Continue reading on the Vernon Journal website

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