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Climb in Sign Language

Learn how to sign climb in ASL (American Sign Language) so you can use it during this favorite outdoor play activity.

  1. Bring one open hand up about head height, reach forward and close the fingers – like you’re grasping on to something such as a ladder rung.
  2. Do the same with the second hand right away and then alternate hands a few times.
  3. This sign looks just like your hands would if you were climbing a ladder. Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign climb in ASL 

  • Learning activities for children include discerning what is safe play and what is not. Talk to your child about safe things to climb and unsafe places where they are not to climb.
  • Go to a place where there is lots of fun climbing! A jungle gym at the park or an indoor climbing gym is a perfect place to practice this fun skill and sign as you go.


Climb. Pretend you’re climbing up a ladder. Climb.

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