Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

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Daughter in Sign Language

Learn how to sign daughter in ASL (American Sign Language). Who do you know who is a daughter?

1. First sign “girl” by drawing your thumb down the side of your face (like you’re tracing a bonnet string on a little girl!)
2. Then sign “baby” by folding your arms hand to opposite elbow and rocking – just like you’re rocking a baby.
3. This sign is easy to remember because a girl baby is someone’s daughter!

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign daughter in ASL

  • Learning for kids is best done with lots of creative and imaginative play!  Get a baby doll and encourage your child to pretend it is his or her daughter. What does a baby need? Food, love, and a fresh diaper! Enjoy the roll playing together.
  • Read books together that has a parent and a daughter in it. Help your child point out the daughter in the pictures and practice the sign.

Daughter. You sign girl and then rock your baby.

Download the Flashcard (click on the image. Print in color or black-and-white and adjust the print size according to your needs.)

Daughter Sign Language ASL Dictionary

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