Signing Time Dictionary

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Dustpan in Sign Language

Learn how to sign dustpan in ASL (American Sign Language) and add it to chore time.

1. Bring one hand up about chest height, palm flat and facing up, fingers facing away from you.
2. Bring the other hand up with the palm flat and facing more towards you/ Brush this hand up the first hand a couple of times.
3. This sign looks like you are sweeping trash up into a dustpan. Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign dustpan in ASL

  • Interactive learning for kids can take place during regular household routines. Even if your child is too young to really sweep, they can still hold the dustpan for you! Encourage them to do so and practice the sign.
  • Purchase a child size cleaning kit with broom, dustpan, mop, etc. Encourage imaginative play where you child acts out cleaning up. Who knows when it might transfer to real life down the road!

Dustpan. Pretend one hand is the dust pan and use the other hand to sweep everything into it. Dustpan.

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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