Signing Time Dictionary

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Firefighter in Sign Language

Learn how to sign firefighter in ASL (American Sign Language) and talk about this important (and often kid favorite!) community hero.

  1. Bring one hand up to your forehead, palm out. Keep your four fingers pressed together pointing up and tuck the thumb into your palm.
  2. Tap the back of your hand on your forehead a couple of times.
  3. This sign looks like the front of a firefighter’s helmet. Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign firefighter in ASL

  • Educational games for preschool often entail creative play and mimic of the grownup world. Provide costumes of community helpers (firefighters, police, doctors, etc.) and encourage children to imagine themselves as the heroes. Practice the sign as you go!
  • Community firehouses often welcome visitors for a tour and a little lesson on fire safety. See if you can arrange a trip to a local firehouse to check things out. Practice the sign as you explore this important community fixture!

Firefighter. Show the shield on the firefighter’s hat. Firefighter.

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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