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Forest in Sign Language

Learn how to sign forest in ASL (American Sign Language) and explore this important part of nature together.

  1. First start with the sign for “tree”: Lay one hand down parallel to your body. Place the other elbow on the first hand, palm flat and fingers pointing up. Twist your wrist a few times to show the top of a tree.
  2. To create the idea of many trees, or a forest, sign tree continuously and glide the arms across the front of the body, twisting your torso slightly with the movement.
  3. This shows a whole forest full of trees! Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign forest in ASL

  • Art in early childhood education can be collaborative! Have a group of children each create their own unique tree. Then place all the trees together on a larger piece of paper to create a forest. Have children sign the word forest as they admire their creation and talk about one another’s work.
  • If possible, visit a forest and see what you can explore and learn about! If you can’t get to a real forest right now, look up some pictures online and talk with your child about what they observe.

Forest. Just like ‘tree,’ but a whole forest full of them! Forest.

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