Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

Each sign includes a video, teaching notes, and downloadable flashcards to make learning easy.

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Green in Sign Language

Learn how to sign green and identify all the places green can be found!

1. First sign “green” by extending the pointer and thumb out so they are parallel to one another and tucking remaining fingers into the palm. The pinky is
parallel to the floor and the thumb and pointer rest on top.
2. Now twist your wrist up and down a couple of times to indicate the color.
3. Use phonics to help you remember this sign – G for green!

Teaching Tips:

  • Teach your child the colors of the rainbow by supporting with sign language. Model descriptive language, such as, “I like your shirt today! It is green!” You want to observe the object and identify the color – sign the color each time you say it.
  • Try to color a picture using only different shades of green. Tell a story aboutwhat you drew.

Green! It’s the letter G and you shake it. Try it with me. Green.

Download the Flashcard (click on the image. Print in color or black-and-white and adjust the print size according to your needs.)

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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