5 Easy Ways To Share Rachel & The Treeschoolers
YOU, our Signing Time Families, are creating new episodes of Rachel & The TreeSchoolers. Well, we’ll film the videos, but right now, you are the ones telling us how many episodes to make. If you haven’t joined the campaign yet, check it out at http://bit.ly/treeschoolers.
You can help us kick our Kickstarter campaign into high gear by telling the families you know about our newest video series (the one deemed “too educational for children’s television”by TV execs). Here are 5 ways you can help spread the word. – Rachel
1. LIKE these Facebook pages
Then LIKE & SHARE my posts about Treeschoolers when you see them- that’s pretty easy!
2. Follow these accounts on Twitter
Now, you can easily Retweet my Tweets!
3. Copy. Paste. Tweet.
I made a bunch of tweets for you to post on Twitter. Tweet every day or as many times a day as you feel comfortable. There are only 7 days left! **BONUS** when you see one of these tweets from someone else, Retweet it!
I choose Smart TV for my kids. Click here and do the same for yours!http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #Treeschoolers #Kickstarter (Please Retweet)
Do your kids love @SigningTime? You can give them more-more-more!http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #Treeschoolers #Kickstarter (Please Retweet)
Too Educational for TV? That’s sounds perfect to me! You want this http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #Kickstarter #Treeschoolers (Please Retweet)
Rachel & The Treeschoolers – brought to my family, by ME! I’m a Backer!http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #BackersRule #Treeschoolers (Please Retweet)
Rachel & The Treeschoolers Episode 4 – brought to you, by YOU! Be a Backer!http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #Treeschoolers (Please Retweet)
No TV for my kids… except this! TV worth backing http://bit.ly/treeschoolers #kickstarter #Treeschoolers (Please Retweet)
I can’t encourage you strongly enough to support @ST_Rachel in making smarter TV shows for kids http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please Retweet)
4. Copy. Paste. Post.
Post one of the following messages on Facebook each day or more if you’d like. **BONUS** when you see one of these posts from someone else, LIKE it and SHARE it!
I choose smart television for my family. You can too! Click here and back this Kickstarter:http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE and SHARE)
Too smart for TV? That sounds just about right for my children. Why dumb it down? Back this http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE & SHARE)
The TV is on… Do you know where your children are? Choose smart media for our smart kids! Like I did. Trust me, you should too~ Click here: http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE and SHARE)
Every time you buy a toy of a TV character, you “vote” for more of that show. It’s time to vote for something better. Cast your vote by backing this project:http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE & SHARE)
When your child is watching TV, are they watching something YOU feel good about? You’ll feel good about this! But, only if you back it. Like I did! http://bit.ly/treeschoolers(Please LIKE and SHARE)
“Rachel & The Treeschoolers” a brand new Preschool show brought to YOU, by ME! I’m a Backer. You want to Back this too! http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE & share)
“Rachel & The Treeschoolers” a brand new Preschool show brought to ME, by ME! I’m a Backer. You want to Back this too! http://bit.ly/treeschoolers (Please LIKE & share)
“Rachel & The Treeschoolers” a brand new Preschool show brought to you, by YOU! Crowd funded. Parent approved! Become a Backer now! http://bit.ly/treeschoolers(Please LIKE & Share)
5. TALK To 6 People About Kickstarting Rachel & The Treeschoolers
I KNOW it may sound silly or even too easy, but really, if we each talk to 6 people over the next 10 days… and they become Backers, we WILL fund all 12 Episodes!
Go Team Go!