Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

Each sign includes a video, teaching notes, and downloadable flashcards to make learning easy.

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Dance in Sign Language

Learn how to sign dance in ASL (American Sign Language) and get ready to move and grove!

1. Bring one flat hand up about chest height, palm up.
2. With the other hand, extend pointer and middle finger, tucking in the rest of your fingers.
3. “Dance” the pointer and middle finger back and forth over the flat hand.
4. This sign looks like the first hand is the floor and the second hand is a pair of legs dancing away! Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign dance in ASL

  • Fun preschool games involve lots of moving – so have a dance party! Move and grove to the music and sign “dance” as you go!
  • Play a stop and go game with dancing. When the music is on, sign “dance!”and everybody moves. When the music shuts off, everybody freeze! (You can use the sign for stop if you want!)

Dance! One hand is the floor. And use two fingers to show legs dancing. Try it with me. Dance!

Download the Flashcard (click on the image. Print in color or black-and-white and adjust the print size according to your needs.)

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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