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Learn Sign Language Now

Learn sign language, early reading skills, science, manners, and more with Emmy-nominated actress Rachel Coleman

Safe, Algorithm-Free Education: Over 20 Years, 200,000 Families, and Countless Smiles

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Celebrating over two decades of excellence:

-Over 500 Educational Videos
-Trusted By over 250,000 Families

Learn more than sign language. Our videos teach reading, science, art, music and empathy.

Studies show that children who learn to sign:

-Have higher IQ scores
-Read at an earlier age

Unlock your child’s limitless potential today!
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Learn to sign in 5 minutes

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Baby Signing Time

Strengthen your connection with your child with Baby Signing Time.

Perfect for ages 0-3.

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My Signing Time

Introduce your child to over 1,000 signs and learn how to put signs together.

Perfect for ages 4+.

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Rachel & the TreeSchoolers

Teaches science through songs and signs! Your child will explore scientific concepts and learn about teamwork, kindness and sharing.

Perfect for ages 2-8.

Baby Signing Time is designed to help babies communicate long before talking. This show helps reduce frustration when communicating with your baby. For ages 0-3.

Signing Time is great for people of all ages to learn American Sign Language vocabulary. Introduce your child to over 1,000 signs and learn how to put signs together in sentences. For ages 4 and up.

Rachel & the Treeschoolers teaches science through songs and signs to kids ages 2-8. Explore scientific concepts and social virtues of kindness, teamwork, persistence and sharing.

Exclusively on MySigningTime, Rachel and some of her biggest “little” fans explore new and fun topics like rainbows, manners, feelings, and much more! Click to see Rachel & Me – 14 days Free!

Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training. Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman teaches through sign and song as she inspires children to use the potty.

Have fun as you take your ASL to the next level! Learn grammar, classifiers, non-manual signals, Deaf culture, and more from many amazing ASL instructors. Sign It ASL is great for tweens, teens, and adults.

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Wall Carts

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