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The easiest way
to learn Baby Sign Language
Stop tantrums and start communicating with your baby
Signing babies are happy babies
Safe, Algorithm-Free Education: Over 20 Years, 250K Families, and Countless Smiles

Parent-curated content for learning
-No Adds
-No Harmful Algorithm
-Exclusive Environment For Learning
We insure your child’s experience is enriching and worry-free.

Celebrating over two decades of excellence:
-500+ Educational Videos
-Trusted By 250,000+ Families
Nurturing kids with sign language, songs, reading, and lifelong skills.

Studies show that children who learn to sign:
-Have higher IQ scores
-Are better adjusted
-Read at an earlier age
Unlock your child’s potential today!
Learn to sign in 5 minutes

A Program for Every Age: Dive into Our Award-winning Collections

Baby Signing Time
Strengthen your connection with your child with Baby Signing Time.
Perfect for ages 0-3.

My Signing Time
Introduce your child to over 1,000 signs and learn how to put signs together.
Perfect for ages 4+.

Rachel & the TreeSchoolers
Teaches science through songs and signs! Your child will explore scientific concepts and learn about teamwork, kindness and sharing.
Perfect for ages 2-8.
Families Love Signing Time

You could not imagine how much you child will learn from these. Makes communication a lot less frustrating for you and your child. (Got them for my daughter to use with my grandchild. It took her a little longer to get the signs than it took the baby, who was 15 months when they started learning together.)

Love Signing Time. My son that is 2 1/2 has Down syndrome and has learned so many sights from watching these videos. He loves that there are multiple factors helping him learn the signs. Sounds, sight, simple explanations to remember them, the actual animals paired with other forms of learning keep his attention and teaches him perfectly.

Dana Johnston
My almost 2 year old LOVES these videos and can say more words in sign than by talking.

Amazon Customer
My 1 year old LOVES these videos! She will watch them over and over. And she learned the words so easy!

Signing Time is the best! My one year old loves it and can sign various signs already. All my 3 kids have watched it and learned so much. Its so interactive, all the songs are great. If I need a little bit of time to get something done I don't feel bad about letting my littlest one watch signing time.

Amazon Customer
I love these videos. It makes learning signing fun and engaging through the infusion of music and vibrant visuals.

Darlene A. Jones
I like the simplicity of it and my 4 year old grandson with autism loved it!!!
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