Signing Time Academy

Using Sign Language to Enhance Learning

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Updated November 1, 2019 I am absolutely passionate about American Sign Language and the benefits it can have with all children. This is why I am an instructor in the Signing Time Academy; it’s why I teach my own children; it’s why I work with the Signing Time Foundation; and it’s why I continue to dig deeper and deeper into the language through friendships, conferences, and immersion workshops. On October 29th, at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Time, I got to share part of my excitement about the benefits of American Sign Language in a Facebook Live talk. The event was an …

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Signing Time Academy 10 Yer Anniversary

Celebrating the Signing Time Academy 10 Year Anniversary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Signing Time Academy is the educational division of Two Little Hands Productions and we have Instructors all over the world. It is fun to celebrate our Instructors and their success stories from their clients. If you have not taken a class from an Instructor, look for one near you. Our mission is to bring the benefits of ASL and active learning to children of all abilities through Certified Instructors who offer classes, products, and personal support to parents and teachers in their communities. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Although my child has never taken a signing class with Momcat Kelly, he has done …

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Has the Signing Time Academy Impacted You?

In October of 2009 Rachel Coleman and Emilie Brown started the Signing Time Academy to bring American Sign Language to communities around the world as the educational division of Two Little Hands Productions. The Academy’s mission is to bring the benefits of ASL and active learning to children of all abilities through Certified Instructors who offer classes, products, and personal support to parents and teachers in their communities. Our Instructors come from all walks of life that bring their own expertise to their community with parent workshops, baby sign language classes, teacher training, and free presentations. We love our Signing …

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It’s Summer time and Hopkins is packing a bag and ready for adventure! Join Signing Time fans and Signing Time Academy Instructors worldwide as we take Hopkins traveling with us!   Ready, Set, Hop! Hopkins’ adventures begin now and they will continue all summer. Pull out a map, and follow his travels with your family! He will be hopping all over the world! Where is he going? To find out, follow the hashtag #WhereIsHopkins on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets. As he travels, his helpers will post photos and information about the places he visits! You and …

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That Moment – Celebrating 10 Years of the Academy

by Carissa Martos, Master Signing Time Academy Instructor, Teacher of the Deaf and Interpreter The smallest of things can change your life. In 2009, a friend sent me a single Signing Time DVD, for my then one-year-old son. He’d had two neurosurgeries and the prognosis surrounding speech wasn’t good. We’d discussed signing with him, but I admit I had no idea where to start. The little I’d tried hadn’t worked, and I was feeling dejected. As we moved into our new home, I popped the DVD into the TV upstairs, closed the baby gate, and started hauling in furniture. Later …

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Celebrating 10 Years – Signing Time Academy

In 2009 Rachel Coleman and Emilie Brown created the Signing Time Academy to bring American Sign Language to communities around the world as the educational division of Two Little Hands Productions. Our mission is to bring the benefits of ASL and active learning to children of all abilities through Certified Instructors who offer classes, products, and personal support to parents and teachers in their communities. Our Instructors come from all walks of life that bring their own expertise to their community with parent workshops, baby sign language classes, teacher training, home parties, and free presentations. Find an Instructor Near You! Rachel shared …

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Signing Time Academy Instructor Making a Difference in the World

Kimberly Churchill, owner of Lil Signing Hands in St. Philips, NL Canada, & Signing Time Academy Instructor, is making a difference in her community and in the world. Kimberly’s son, Carter, who at 3 months of age, was diagnosed as profoundly deaf. She immersed herself to learn everything she could about Deaf culture and community, including learning American Sign Language (ASL). She chose to learn with Baby Signing Time, then transitioned into Signing Time and TreeSchoolers to broaden communication with her son. She continued her ASL education locally through the Newfoundland and Labrador Association for the Deaf. Carter also has …

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Signing Time Academy Instructor in the News

Megan McWilliams, a certified Signing Time Instructor, who uses American Sign Language to present stories, songs and vocabulary activities at the Norfolk Public Library was recently featured in the Norfork Daily News. Megan started signing nine years ago with her oldest daughter. She states, “After all, children use sign language before they talk.” Read the Norfork Daily News Article Find an Instructor Near You Interested in becoming a Signing Time Academy Instructor? Join our team for a LIVE Q & A to learn more about owning your own business, teaching classes, and selling our products. Choose from: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 …

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Shop Small Business Saturday and Support Signing Time Academy Instructors

We are proud to support the Annual Small Business Saturday® on November 25th, 2017. Did you know that each of the Signing Time Academy Instructors are independent small business owners? Instructors teach classes and workshops  for children and parents in their communities. They also sell Signing Time, Baby Signing Time, Rachel & the TreeSchoolers, and Potty Time products, making it easy and convenient for families to build their early learning libraries! Academy Certified Instructors are adults from all walks of life who share a common goal: helping families harness the power of communication with American Sign Language (ASL) signs. Through skillful …

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Baby Sign Language for Better Communication

 Meet Paula Baker, Signing Time Academy Instructor Almost three years ago I found out I was going to be a mother, and naturally, I began to research parenting techniques in hopes of raising a well rounded human. Down I went into the rabbit-hole and quickly discovered that parenting advice is incredibly detailed and varied. However, one piece of advice that remained constant was the need for communication. A child’s desire to be understood is tremendous, almost as important as his/her desire to be loved. Being able to express basic needs, wants, and emotions is so difficult for a non-verbal, and …

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