Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

Each sign includes a video, teaching notes, and downloadable flashcards to make learning easy.

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Basketball in Sign Language

Swish! Score! Learn how to sign basketball in ASL (American Sign Language) with your little court enthusiast and let the games begin.

1. Using both hands, make “threes” (in ASL) by extending thumbs, pointers, and middle fingers and tucking in remaining two fingers.
2. Bring hands up to about face height and tilt back and forth twice.
3. This sign looks a lot like you are giving a basketball a little toss. Use that visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign basketball in ASL

• Since this sign uses a “three” handshape, point that out to your child to help make the connection.
• Using our dictionary, learn some signs for other sports, and then ask your child which sport they prefer to play by using the signs and giving them a choice.


Basketball. Make threes and put your hands up like you’re holding a basketball. Get ready to throw it! Basketball. Swish.

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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