Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

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Shirt in Sign Language

Learn how to sign shirt in ASL (American Sign Language) – you can practice it everyday while getting dressed!

  1. Bring one hand up to just below your shoulder. Using thumb and pointer finger, pinch your shirt and wiggle it back and forth just a bit.
  2. This sign looks like you are pointing out your snazzy shirt! Use this visual to help you remember the sign.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign shirt in ASL

  • Give your child a variety of colored shirts to choose from. Ask, “Do you want the green shirt or the blue shirt today?” Sign shirt (and the color!) to support the question. Ask her to sign back to you what she chooses.
  • Play games for children that encourage observation. Give a group of children a direction such as, “If you have green on your shirt, stand up and spin around”. Or, “If you have red on your shirt, stand up and clap your hands two times!” Sign shirt!

Shirt! Pinch your shirt like this! Shirt.

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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