Signing Time Dictionary

Over 400 common signs, including the top starter sings for your baby!

Each sign includes a video, teaching notes, and downloadable flashcards to make learning easy.

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How do you sign the number Two in Sign Language?

Learn how to sign two (2) in ASL (American Sign Language). Learn the number two (2) today and pretty soon you’ll know all the numbers! Here’s how to sign the number two: Extend the index and middle fingers of your dominant hand, all other fingers should be folded. The front of your hand should be facing you and your fingers should be pointing up.

Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign two in ASL

It isn’t a big deal if your child has a hard time making this sign. They will develop fine motor skills like this one by practicing and watching you model the number 2 for them. You can help them by:

  1. Fold your baby’s fingers into a fist, then lift their first and second fingers for them
  2. Show them how the sign should look with your hand
  3. Help them understand the concept by separating two toys from a pile
  4. Get excited for them when they get it right! The happier you are, the more fun learning will be for them.


“This is the number two. Show 2.”

Download the Flashcard (click on the image. Print in color or black-and-white and adjust the print size according to your needs.)

Want to improve your family’s signing? Learn more with our fun lessons.

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