Are your children excited, anxious, or a little bit of both as they head back to school?
Each child experiences different emotions when it comes to school. Making school fun and exciting can help them work through their emotions and be more prepared for the upcoming school year. What we say and do in our daily lives shape our life and how we experiences it. Your attitude, as the parent, towards going back to school plays a key role in setting your child up for success in school and life. Make preparations for a going back to school game that will get the school year off to a good start.
Using phrases such as, “I can’t wait to go school shopping for you.”, “I am so excited to see you learn and grow in your new class.” or “I can’t wait to help you with your homework.”, and asking questions like, “What is your favorite part of school?” or “What are you looking forward to learning this year?” will get your child thinking of the positive aspects of starting school and help ease apprehensions.
“Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in class listening to teachers, memorizing prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves.” –Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson,
Make Going Back to School an Adventure
We all experience the world differently, and going back to school is no exception. You know your child better than anyone and you can create a game around returning to school. Here are some suggestions:
- Make a first day of school countdown chain.
- Set clear exceptions on school shopping that allows your child to make choice. The goal is to reduce stress and make it fun.
- Mix and Match – You pick the bottom of the outfit and have them find a set number or set dollar amount of tops to go with it.
- Time Game – Have your child guess how long it will take to shop. The winner who is the closest gets to pick a school supply not on the list that they want.
- Make a list of supplies and clothing needed for each child. Let them see if they can find the best price for those items in ads.
- Prepare an after school routine that allows for fun before homework.
- Snack
- Physical Activity: dance party, sports, or use free play
- Homework
- Create a homework tote or station to support your child’s learning style and expectations of the teacher.
Using Sign Language to Support School
Researchers have found that using sign language is very beneficial for older children. When a child learns a letter of the alphabet they see the letter, say the letter, and sign the letter. The same for spelling a word. The child uses the sign to spell the word while saying the letters or sounds. When a child sees a word, then learns the sign for that word, it helps with sight reading. Each of these processes helps with memory retention resulting in improved language skills.
Learning Sign Language to Teach Reading
Spelling and Signing: How ASL helps with homework
Using Rachel & the TreeSchoolers Signs and Science Learning System Support Learning
Rachel & the TreeSchoolers incorporates the best elements of Schoolhouse Rock, Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street to deliver a well-rounded preschool science curriculum for ages 2-6. This Science Learning System:
lets your child go to preschool with Rachel from Signing Time!
- actively engages children in learning
- teaches values like kindness, teamwork and sharing
Why teach science with sign language?
Research shows that signs can help children learn and remember new concepts. That’s why we’ve included a set of supporting signs in each episode of Rachel & the TreeSchoolers.
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Seven Principles for Good Practice by Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson
First Day of School Countdown Activity by