Using Sign Language to Enhance Learning

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Updated November 1, 2019

I am absolutely passionate about American Sign Language and the benefits it can have with all children. This is why I am an instructor in the Signing Time Academy; it’s why I teach my own children; it’s why I work with the Signing Time Foundation; and it’s why I continue to dig deeper and deeper into the language through friendships, conferences, and immersion workshops.

On October 29th, at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Time, I got to share part of my excitement about the benefits of American Sign Language in a Facebook Live talk. The event was an interactive conversation entitled “Using Sign Language to Enhance Learning”, and it was hosted by SPED Homeschool. My portion of the talk focused on using basic ASL vocabulary with infants and preschoolers. I discussed the benefits (both short and long term) and provided a few tips.  Christina Mosleh, an ASL interpreter and educator, discussed using ASL with older children.  Peggy Ployhar, the Founder and CEO of SPED Homeschool, moderated the discussion and watched for questions from viewers.  The entire talk was interpreted into American Sign Language by interpreter Emilia Wann.


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Many thanks,
Signing Time Instructor - Cheryl-Annette Parker


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