Making a Difference

3 Ways to Observe Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Many of our Signing Time parents have children with Down Syndrome. And most of us know someone who has Down Syndrome. In fact, each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down Syndrome. And since October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, we would like to take some time to honor our friends who have Down Syndrome. So let’s consider some ways to observe Down Syndrome Awareness Month.   Positive changes in our world The world has come a long way, and we are thankful for the progress that has been made. At the same time, many parents still struggle to …

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make a difference for those with communication challenges

Make a Difference for Those with Communication Challenges

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month. This designation is quite broad, but the focus is on raising awareness about difficulties in communicating. We’d like to think of this as an equal honoring of all forms of communication, even if they may be different from our own. Our friends with communication challenges are not always respected or treated with dignity. While it’s true that times have changed, many people still face hurdles that the rest of us do not have to face. There’s still room for us to make a difference for those with communication challenges. So how can we …

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ways to celebrate earth day with our kids

Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Our Kids

April 22 is Earth Day, and all of April is known as Earth Month. And this year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” While this is mainly focused toward businesses and governments, there are ways that we can teach our kids both to invest in and to care for our planet. Whether your family is highly conscious of environmental issues or not, there are little things we can each do to take care of our world. So let’s look at a few ways to celebrate Earth Day with our kids! Large environmental issues might be a little much …

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teach our kids to set boundaries

Celebrate the International Day of Sign Languages!

The United Nations has set September 23 as the International Day of Sign Languages. It’s meant to be a day to celebrate and support all sign language users, and this year’s theme is unity. The idea is to unite our world by recognizing national sign languages as part of their countries’ linguistic identities. In other words, we’re hoping that sign languages will be accepted as mainstream languages. This would open doors for so many more people in our world. So let’s look at how we can celebrate the International Day of Sign Languages. There are more than 300 different sign …

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celebrate world kindness day

Will You Celebrate World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13th, and what a great time it is to celebrate kindness! As we head into Thanksgiving season and the following holidays, would a focus on kindness help your family? I know it will help mine. So maybe we can use November 13th to kick off a season of kindness that can become part of our lives.  In 1997, Japan held a gathering of kindness organizations from around the world in an effort to start a global kindness movement. The World Kindness Movement was formed there in Tokyo, and then launched the first World …

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change the world

A Day to Think About How You Can Change the World

Nelson Mandela International Day is a day to remember that each person can have an impact on the world. It is observed on Mandela’s birthday, July 18, each year, and it has been celebrated officially since 2010. While Nelson Mandela was a controversial figure, he did indeed positively change the world, and your kids can learn good things from his historical work in South Africa. The purpose of Mandela Day is not to be a huge public holiday. Instead, it is a day to honor Mandela’s legacy and his values through community service. It’s a day to think about how …

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bring more kindness into our world

Let’s Bring More Kindness into Our World

Kindness can be an overlooked character quality. Sometimes we think it’s an automatic thing, so we don’t work to develop it in ourselves or in our kids. Unfortunately, we’ve seen more than enough evidence that kindness is not always valued in our world. So how can we bring more kindness into our world? Can we make kindness become part of our culture? Part of our culture? That sounds like a very tall order. Can we really change our culture with our own families’ values? It does sound a bit overwhelming, doesn’t it? But don’t let that discourage you from making …

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Do you know the colors of the Rainbow?

One of my favorite Signing Time earworms (i.e. song that sticks in your head on repeat) is “The Rainbow Song“. It’s a great song for practicing basic color identification. It’s fun to sing, easy to remember and relates colors to everyday items in our world. “The Rainbow Song,” like any earworm, is not without it’s hazards. If you are a ROYGBIV fan, like I am, beware. This song comes with the added challenge of not using spectrum of light to define color order. The lyrics mention purple before blue. Even so, this song will have you ready to grab a …

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live out Earth Day every day

Let’s Live Out Earth Day Every Day

Special days on our calendars help us to teach our kids about the bigger world around them. April is full of these special calendar days, and since Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, April is considered to be “Earth Month”. This is the perfect time of year to watch Extraordinary Earth on My Signing Time. In this episode our treeschoolers explore what makes the earth so special and how we can be stewards of our planet. It’s great to celebrate Earth Day and Earth Month. But beyond these celebrations, we can help our kids know how to take care …

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healthy drug free kids

Red Ribbon Week Celebrates a Healthy, Drug-Free Life

The wearing of a red ribbon can represent different causes. During October 23-31 each year, it is dedicated to awareness efforts to keep kids drug-free.   We don’t really like to think about substance abuse, especially in reference to our children. However, our discomfort with the subject does not change its reality.  Substance abuse can affect every segment of the community. It can pop up in any age group.  While it tends to be associated with only certain types of communities, the truth is that it affects all communities.  And yes, it can reach our kids. Red Ribbon Week is about …

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