Alphabet in Sign Language
Learn how to sign alphabet in ASL (American Sign Language). Teaching your children how to sign language alphabet will be very important, they’ll use it to understand new words and eventually it will help them master reading and writing English. The sign for alphabet in sign language is actually three signs, strung together one after another, ‘A, B, C’.
- “A” is like a fist, but with the thumb up alongside your curled index finger, palm facing out.
- “B” is a flat open hand pointed up with your fingers and thumb close together.
- “C” looks like a C, palm facing in, fingers together and curled down, thumb curled up.
That’s how you sign alphabet.
Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign alphabet in ASL
As always, it’s easiest use your good hand for this. You don’t need to worry about moving your hand to the left or right, this sign doesn’t move. It can be hard to get used to, for “Hearing” people, but all the letters will be stacked on top of each other. For the most part, “fingerspelling” words will be the same. There’s generally no need to slide to the left, right or pushed forward one at a time.
“Do you know the sign for alphabet? It’s easy, A, B, C. That’s right, just sign A, B, C. That’s how you sign alphabet.”