Myth: Sign language will delay spoken language
Excerpt from SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years
Because sign encourages early communication, increases vocabulary, reduces frustration, and expands expressive language, most speech experts are in favor of introducing sign to babies. According to Dr. Marilyn Agin, Lisa Geng, and Malcolm Nicholl, authors of The Late Talker, “Research indicates that signing is a stepping stone–and a very important one–on the way to speech. As the child’s ability to vocalize increases, signing falls by the way side. The signs are not an alternative to speech, but a method of helping the child discover speech.” – Dr. Jenn
Truth: Signs won’t delay speech, they help babies discover speech!
Get SuperBaby now in the Baby Sign Language Starter Kit
- Read Myth #2: Signing takes a lot of time and money (BUSTED!)
- Read Myth #3: Signing is only for parents who want to raise a genius (BUSTED!)
- Read Myth #4: ASL signs are too hard for babies (BUSTED!)
- Read Myth #5: You have to learn a whole new language (BUSTED!)
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