Beginning in Sign Language
Learn how to sign beginning in ASL (American Sign Language). The sign for beginning can also be used to indicate the word start. In ASL, sometimes it is more about the concept you are referring to rather than the actual vocabulary word.
1. Take one hand and extend pointer and middle finger, tucking in all other fingers into the palm.
2. Lay the hand sideways so the extended fingers are pointing to the side (so if you use your left hand, the extended fingers would be pointing towards the right side of the body)
3. With the other hand, extend just the pointer finger and tuck in the other fingers.
4. Place pointer finger in-between the pointer/middle fingers of the opposite hand and rotate the pointer finger.
5. This sign looks like you are inserting a key and turning it to start something. Use this visual to help you remember the sign.
Teaching Tips – to learn how to sign beginning in ASL
• This could be a good sign to use to teach a stop and go game. Learn the sign for stop so you can sign each action – stop and start. Each time you sign start, have your child start an activity (jump up and down, hop on one foot, make a silly face, etc.). Then sign stop to signal they should freeze. Start again with a new motion or activity. Switch rolls so your child is sometimes telling you to do silly things too!
Beginning or start. It’s like you’re putting a key in and turning it. Start or beginning.