3 Ways to Observe Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Many of our Signing Time parents have children with Down Syndrome. And most of us know someone who has Down Syndrome. In fact, each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down Syndrome. And since October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, we would like to take some time to honor our friends who have Down Syndrome. So let’s consider some ways to observe Down Syndrome Awareness Month.   Positive changes in our world The world has come a long way, and we are thankful for the progress that has been made. At the same time, many parents still struggle to …

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teach our kids to set boundaries

Let’s Teach Our Kids to Set Boundaries

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we may think that this has nothing to do with our kids. However, as they grow up in this difficult world, we’d all like to prevent our kids from ending up in an abusive relationship. Did you know that holding clear boundaries is a key factor in preventing abuse? A person with a clear understanding of their own boundaries will see the crossing of those boundaries as a deal-breaker. So let’s teach our kids to set and hold boundaries to help them have a safer future. Be an example As in all character …

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kids safe when they’re in the car

Are Your Kids Safe When They’re in the Car?

“I don’t need this. My kids always ride in a car seat, and we always use our seatbelts.” Is that what you’re thinking? Our kids’ safety is important. That’s a given for most parents. So we likely feel like we are already doing our best. And you probably are doing your best, and you’re probably doing a really great job! At the same time, we can always learn more, and it should be natural for us to care about children’s safety initiatives like National Child Passenger Safety Week. Whew! That’s a mouthful! But National Child Passenger Safety Week is so …

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simple ways to strengthen family bonds

3 Simple Ways to Strengthen Family Bonds

We all know that family bonding is important. And of course, we would love to see our families stay close and be able to trust us over the years. This closeness certainly doesn’t happen on its own, so what can we do to help it grow? We really can set our family up to be successful in this area. And when we do, there are added benefits for each of us. Let’s look at a few simple ways to strengthen family bonds. Family bonding has several benefits. We expect it to deepen our emotional connections with our family. And as …

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ways to encourage independence in our preschoolers

Ways to Encourage Independence in Our Preschoolers

While it may sound odd to think about an independent preschooler, we really do have to start somewhere with teaching our kids to be independent. And we can’t wait until they are 18. Independence is something we have to build in our children as they grow, and there’s no better time to start than right now. So let’s look at age-appropriate ways to encourage independence in our preschoolers. So what does it look like for a preschooler to be independent? We’re looking at things like dressing themselves, doing simple chores, handling some of their personal hygiene, developing social skills, and …

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easy summer meal ideas

Easy Summer Meal Ideas for Your Little Ones

We’re heading into August already, and the summer has been both long and short somehow. Pool days and splash pads, outings and play dates, vacations and other travel times…we’ve all been busy with summer fun. But many of us are getting weary at this point. Outings are getting tiring, we’re broke from buying sunblock, and decent meals are a thing of the past – like way back in June. So, here at the end of the summer, let’s find some easy summer meal ideas for your little ones. This just might get us through the next few weeks of feeding …

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today is monkey around day

Today is Monkey Around Day!

Today is Monkey Around Day! What on earth could that mean? Well, it’s a day to let go of stress and pressure, choosing instead to do whatever you feel like doing. Think of it as a goof-off day! And you can take this as far as you want to or keep it low key. How much would our kids love to have a Monkey Around Day?  Are there crazy ideas that you have set aside because they aren’t practical? Do your kids have silly or over-the-top ideas? Since today is Monkey Around Day, it’s exactly the right time to consider …

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Keeping Little Ones Entertained While Traveling

Keeping Little Ones Entertained While Traveling

We all long for stress-free travel with our little ones. While we can’t promise a completely stress-free travel experience, we do have a few tips for keeping your kids busy and having fun together. You have probably already chosen a family-friendly destination. And you have to think through which little kid gear you have to take with you, and which pieces you can do without. Even then, the gear list is a lot. All we can do is try not to say bad words while we try to get our vehicle trunks to close. But, the travel time – that …

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Strengthening Our Family Relationships

Strengthening Our Family Relationships

Each year, the time between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is designated as National Family Month. These special times in our calendars help us to notice a specific part of our lives, and they help us to do something about what we find. National Family Month is meant to help families by celebrating their strengths and by supporting them in their challenges. So in the time we have before Father’s Day, let’s think about how we can celebrate the strength of our own families. And let’s look at ways that we can work on strengthening our family relationships so that …

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easy STEM learning for preschoolers

Easy STEM Learning for Preschoolers

Sometimes the idea of STEM education can seem daunting. I mean, what if you’re not a math whiz? How can you even care about getting your kids interested in math or science if you’re not feeling capable? Thankfully, it isn’t that difficult to get your preschoolers into STEM activities and thinking. Even if you aren’t into the STEM fields, you can handle these ideas for easy STEM learning for your preschoolers. STEM learning is a major topic in education. This acronym, STEM, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Now, these may sound a little too lofty for our preschoolers. …

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