Baby Signing

Why sign with your baby?


              • Helps babies communicate before talking
              • Reduces frustration and tantrums
              • Increases bonding and connection
              • Opens a window to your child’s heart and mind
    • Teaches the foundation of learning a second language (American Sign Language)

When should I start signing with my baby?


  • You can start signing as soon as your baby is born. As you begin learning sign, use those signs when you talk to your new baby. Baby won’t be able to sign back at this time, but he is watching and learning!
  • Before your baby signs to you, she will let you know that she understands a sign by responding with a smile, pointing, or kicking her feet.
  • While most babies begin to sign between 9-13 months, some babies start signing as early as 5-6 months! It is never too early to start.
  • It’s never too late to start signing! If your baby is 6-12 months or older, start signing right away!

Try out our complete Baby Signing Time curriculum free for 14 days on the My Signing Time App. Explore our complete collection for two full weeks risk free. Then choose your subscription option.


  • 2 Free months when you choose to subscribe annually. An annual subscription is just a single, one time annual payment of $99.99. (No Coupon Code Needed)
  • Subscribe monthly for just $9.99 a month.

The Importance of Signing and Play

Have you ever wondered, “Why isn’t my baby signing back to me yet?” Me too. When I first started signing with my daughter (at 7 months old) I had no prior knowledge of ASL or experience signing with babies. Teaching had not even entered my mind! I just loved the idea of early communication and enhanced bonding. I began by focusing on my daughter’s basic needs, using MORE and ALL DONE during mealtimes. But after two months of repetition and consistency with no response, I naturally started to lose my enthusiasm. What was I doing wrong? It wasn’t until I …

The Importance of Signing and Play Read More »

“Our daughter started signing at 7 months!” by Tami

Tami sent us the following success story in an email. Listen to other amazing testimonials about how Signing Time has changed the lives of millions of families and share your success story by visiting   “Our daughter started signing at 7 months. She could sign “more” and “milk” and she could understand the sign for “all done”. She watches a Baby Signing Time video about 5 days a week and she is taught signs both at home and at daycare. We take monthly photos of her and since signing was such a huge achievement during her 7th month, we used our Baby …

“Our daughter started signing at 7 months!” by Tami Read More »

Baby Signing Myth #5: You have to learn a whole new language (BUSTED!)

MYTH: Signing means learning a whole new language. Excerpt from SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years You don’t have to learn a complete language in order to begin signing with your child. You only have to know the signs that are valuable to you and your baby. Ideally you should be at least one step ahead of your child, although many adults learn the signs along with their children. You will be amazed how quickly you increase your own signing vocabulary just by looking up each of the signs as you become curious …

Baby Signing Myth #5: You have to learn a whole new language (BUSTED!) Read More »

Baby Signing Time features top words 2-year olds should say

In a recent article on, Richard Rende, Ph.D. shared a list of 25 words that a typical 2-year-old should be saying. Baby Signing Time DVDs and Baby Signing Time Board Books can give your child exposure to many of these important early words. How does signing support spoken language? In the white paper “Signing with Babies and Children,” Dr. Claire Vallotton of Michigan State University summarizes what research can tell us about the link between signing and talking: “In one case study, each time the child learned the sign for a certain concept, the word followed shortly after it, from the time the child was 8 …

Baby Signing Time features top words 2-year olds should say Read More »

Baby Signing Myth #4: ASL signs are too hard for babies (BUSTED!)

MYTH: ASL is too complicated for babies. Excerpt from SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years Whenever I speak to my toddlers, Mendez and Quincy, I use real words so I can provide an accurate model, even though I know they are not yet able to reproduce the sounds I’m making. As children get more speaking experience, they refine their speech and become more capable of accurately pronouncing words. It is a bad idea to invent words to take the place of complex words your child can’t pronounce yet. If he can’t say the …

Baby Signing Myth #4: ASL signs are too hard for babies (BUSTED!) Read More »

Baby Signing Myth #3: Signing is just for parents trying to raise a genius (BUSTED!)

MYTH: Signing is something only type-A parents who are trying to raise a genius baby would do.  Excerpt from SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years I think Dr. Alan Greene said it best: “teaching your baby sign language is not about power-parenting, it’s another loving way to interact. Signing can potentially increase your child’s IQ, vocabulary, and reading ability, but the most important thing about it is that it opens the door to communication for your child much earlier than it would happen otherwise, allowing you and your child to get closer. This …

Baby Signing Myth #3: Signing is just for parents trying to raise a genius (BUSTED!) Read More »

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