Parenting Articles

things to teach our kids

3 Things to Teach our Kids During Children’s Awareness Month

3 Things to Teach our Kids During Children’s Awareness Month June is a fitting time for Children’s Awareness Month as the name for this month comes from the Latin word for youth. Those of us who are parents are certainly aware of our youth and the issues that they face. And yet there are always ways we can each grow and learn more. As parents, the children we can influence the most are our own. So let’s look at 3 things to teach our kids during Children’s Awareness Month. What’s the point of Children’s Awareness Month? The intent of Children’s …

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National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

It’s National Chocolate Ice Cream Day!

What a fun summer theme to celebrate with our kids! National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! And this is something so simple that we can do so easily with our kids. The theme is quite straightforward: enjoy some chocolate ice cream today! Celebrating National Chocolate Ice Cream Day Well, there’s a tiny bit of trivia for your celebration. Chocolate ice cream has been around for more than 100 years! In fact, it became popular in the late 1800s. And here’s another fun fact for your celebration of National Chocolate Ice Cream Day: chocolate ice cream is the second most popular flavor …

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Help Our Kids Learn to Adapt to Changes

Learn Some Fun Family Signs Together

As we head into the season of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we’ll be helping our kids to plan and create fun gifts and activities to honor their parents. So as we work on these activities, let’s think of a few signs we could help our kids learn in the process. This family celebration time of year is a perfect time to learn some fun family signs together. Family Names The most obvious place to start is with family names. The People section of our free Signing Time Dictionary has instructions for signing several names for people in our communities. …

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reasons to appreciate your library

Four Reasons to Appreciate Your Library Today

Today is Thank You for Libraries Day! And we sure are thankful for libraries. Libraries are such a helpful resource for our communities, for families, and for each of us as individuals. And while we tend to think of libraries as large collections of books, they offer a whole lot more. So on this day to celebrate libraries, let’s look at four reasons to appreciate your library! The obvious one – the books If you’re a reader, you probably already appreciate your library. What a resource! How could any of us expect to own so many books? But thanks to …

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ways to celebrate earth day with our kids

Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Our Kids

April 22 is Earth Day, and all of April is known as Earth Month. And this year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” While this is mainly focused toward businesses and governments, there are ways that we can teach our kids both to invest in and to care for our planet. Whether your family is highly conscious of environmental issues or not, there are little things we can each do to take care of our world. So let’s look at a few ways to celebrate Earth Day with our kids! Large environmental issues might be a little much …

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today is monkey around day

A Few Fun Ideas for April Fool’s Day

Do you celebrate April Fools Day with your kids? It can seem frivolous or even inappropriate to celebrate a joke day when it is another dark time in our world. And yet, when we choose to live, to laugh, to enjoy life, it’s a way to fight the dark. When we allow laughter to continue, we are choosing not to let the darkness win. And this is important, not to let it take hold of us or drag us down. So let’s take this opportunity to laugh with our kids. Let’s look at a few fun ideas for April Fool’s …

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celebrate springtime with our kids

Let’s Celebrate Springtime with Our Kids!

Has it been a long winter where you live? Some of us began spring weather weeks ago, while some of us are still covered in snow. Either way, the official first day of spring is coming up, so it’s time to celebrate. Here are a few easy ways to celebrate springtime with our kids. Decorate Children love decorations, and springtime decorations are so cheerful. You can keep it simple or go all out. Younger children could make traditional paper chains in pastel colors. It could be fun to cut out flowers or even to make tissue paper flowers. If you …

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make a difference for those with communication challenges

Kindness is More Than a Nice Ideal

We love to talk about kindness. There are cute signs about kindness that we put up in our homes. We save and share inspirational quotes about it. And kindness is an important ideal that we teach to our children. But kindness is about so much more than nice thoughts and good ideals. It’s about how we live, how we use our words, and how we respond to the unexpected or frustrating situations in our lives. So let’s think about how to make kindness more than a nice ideal for our kids and for ourselves. It’s a practice  Most of us …

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ways to celebrate the New Year with your kids

5 Ways to Celebrate the New Year with Your Kids

New Year celebrations look different once we become parents. We used to meet up with friends to ring in the New Year, but now we may be rocking babies to sleep or coaxing toddlers back into bed. Many of us don’t even wait up for the New Year because we are so tired, and those little ones will be up early no matter what. Some of us find this to be no big deal, and we think it’s far more comfortable to spend a cozy evening at home. And some of us miss the big parties to ring in the …

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games and puzzles for Thanksgiving week

Games and Puzzles for Thanksgiving Week

What perfect timing this is! We’re heading into a week of family gatherings and celebration, and we will need things to do, especially with children in the mix. So it’s fitting that November 20-26 is National Game and Puzzle Week. These special calendar days help us to focus and be intentional about things, and sometimes we need help like this. So let’s break out our games and puzzles for Thanksgiving week! The entire purpose for an official Game and Puzzle Week is to bring families together. Sure, we tend to spend time together during the holidays, but often this isn’t …

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